Longinus, the first TV series created by Maestro of thrill, Dario Argento, co-produced by Publispei and BIM Production


Dario Argento, visionary director and author, whose films have disturbed the sleep of many generations, will embrace the TV seriality language and will gift the thriller-lovers with an unforgettable experience.


Episode after episode, Maestro Dario Argento will guide the audience into his dark and terrifying atmospheres. Mysterious murders, suspense and unexpected revelations, esoteric elements and ancient enigmas will follow one another in a thriller suspended between reality and supernatural, set among the French Alps of Grenoble and Siena, during the Palio.

Longinus, with its settings, its symbolism, its characters always in-between Good and Evil, will be an international high-quality series that will amaze the audience.


Longinus is a co-production of Publispei by Verdiana Bixio and BIM Production, a company of the Wild Bunch group in association with Riccardo Russo and chaired by Antonio Medici.



Head of Communications Publispei

Martina Margiotti


Tel. +39 3289092206


MN Italia for Publispei

Tatum Bartoli

tatum.bartoli @mnitalia.com

Tel. +39 348 1429538

Chiara Friggi


Tel. +39 0685376306


Press Office BIM

Federica Scarnati


Tel. +39 335 1848 785