Verdiana Bixio al MIPCOM con nuovi progetti


Publispei, the Italian production company leaded by Verdiana Bixio is heading to MIPCOM (Cannes, 16-19 October) with new projects, from the thriller series “Sleeping Nymph” (6×50’), second season of the series aired on RaI1 “Flowers Over The Inferno” (6×50’), to a new YA drama “Yet We Fall Happy” (8×30’) on air October 6 on Rai Play to an erotic Thriller film “The Perfect Wife”, all based on best-selling novels.


The first season of the series “Flowers Over Inferno” was broadcast by the Italian pubcaster, last February and achieved an average share of 25% with 4.5mln viewers. The crime thriller is focused on the strong character of profiler Teresa Battaglia, chief officer of the police unit in a small community in the Friulian Dolomites, that was brutally shocked by a serial killer.


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