La nostra Owner&Ceo Verdiana Bixio intervistata da Romina Rodriguez per Señal News in occasione del Series Mania Forum 2024.
Alla vigilia della messa in onda del film La Rosa dell’Istria su Rai 1, abbiamo incontrato la produttrice Verdiana Bixio che, con la sua Publispei, ha creduto nel progetto, forte di una filosofia che da sempre l’accompagna.
The Italian production company has known adapted to the dynamic changes in the audiovisual industry. Verdiana Bixio, Publispei Owner and CEO and daughter of the founder, explains the evolution of the company and highlights its projects with more global appeal.
MIPCOM 2023: Publispei heads to Cannes with new projects
Publispei, the Italian production company leaded by Verdiana Bixio is heading to MIPCOM (Cannes, 16-19 October) with new projects, from the thriller series “Sleeping Nymph” (6×50’), second season of the series aired on RaI1 “Flowers Over The Inferno” (6×50’), to a new YA drama “Yet We Fall Happy” (8×30’) on air October 6 on Rai Play to an erotic Thriller film “The Perfect Wife”, all based on best-selling novels.
Verdiana Bixio al MIPCOM con nuovi progetti
Publispei, the Italian production company leaded by Verdiana Bixio is heading to MIPCOM (Cannes, 16-19 October) with new projects, from the thriller series “Sleeping Nymph” (6×50’), second season of the series aired on RaI1 “Flowers Over The Inferno” (6×50’), to a new YA drama “Yet We Fall Happy” (8×30’) on air October 6 on Rai Play to an erotic Thriller film “The Perfect Wife”, all based on best-selling novels.
Verdiana Bixio riceve il premio KPMG
Publispei’s owner and CEO, Verdiana Bixio, has received the KPMG Culture, Business and Equity Award-partner of the Women in Cinema Award 2023.
Assegnato a Verdiana Bixio il Premio KPMG Cultura
Va alla Presidente della rinomata casa di produzione Publispei Verdiana Bixio il Premio KPMG Cultura, Impresa ed Equità,…
Lunch With Verdiana Bixio to Launch Publispei’s Int’l Thrust
At the 60th annual L.A. Screenings, the Italians came back during the indie section of the event at the Century Plaza Hotel following many years of absence.
Italy’s Publispei Set Sights On International Markets As It Unveils ‘Flowers Over The Inferno’ At ITTV in Los Angeles
Publispei is one of the oldest TV and film production companies in Italy and creator of some…
FIORI SOPRA L’INFERNO – I casi di Teresa Battaglia
Dal romanzo di esordio di Ilaria Tuti Fiori sopra l’inferno – I casi di…