Captivating the audience, by giving form, voice, body and content to all the different facets of life, from the power of feelings to the conflict between good and evil, and ensuring high-quality productions: this is our mission and it’s what we’ve been doing every single day since 1972.
We have always assigned prime importance to passion, creativity and innovation. All qualities which, over time, have led us to excel in the TV and film entertainment business, both in Italy and internationally. Backed by our know-how, our long tradition and experience, we are continuously evolving and always ready to pick up the gauntlets thrown down by the future, continuing to inspire the emotions of our audiences with engaging stories.
Because emotions are a universal language that can reach out to everyone, everywhere and with no limits. Just like us.
We base our work on passion and innovation, but above all on people, recognizing diversity as a resource, thus investing heavily in the discovery and growth of new talent.
For over 50 years, with our stories, we have been speaking to people’s heart, so that they can recognize and empathize with the characters. Emotions are the basis of our products, for this reason we have a team with different skills and personalities, extremely united, which thanks to the contamination of ideas, collaborates having fun and helping each other to achieve ever better goals and results.
With this in mind, we always try to work with partners who believe in the projects and have the same enthusiasm as our big family, because Publispei is a family for anyone who collaborates with us and this is our strength.
“The Stories of a Lifetime. A Lifetime of Stories”
Verdiana Bixio‘s Biography – Owner&CEO Publispei
Verdiana Bixio was born into a family of great artists and thanks to this tradition she approaches the industry since her childhood working in dubbing, adaptation and editing for great international TV series such as “Will & Grace”, “24” and childrens’ TV programs such as “Teletubbies”.
She graduated from La Sapienza University of Rome in Cinema History and Criticisism and in 2003 after gaining experience in post-production, she joined her father’s Company, Publispei, where over the years, she took care of various activities that allowed her to acquire valuable experience in different segments of the audiovisual industry.
In September 2012 she became Owner&CEO, continuing to pursue the mission that has characterized Publispei for over 50 years: to captivate audiences and ensuring the quality and creativity of its productions with highly successful TV series such as “Un Medico in Famiglia”(A Family Doctor, adaptation of the Spanish format “Medico de Familia”) 10 seasons, “I Cesaroni” (Adaptation of the Spanish format “Los Serranos”) 6 seasons and “Tutti pazzi per amore” (Original format ‘All Crazy About Love’) 3 seasons . Furthermore, under her guidance in 2013 Publispei produced, for the first time for the big screen, the docufilm on the Italian director Massimo Troisi entitled “Massimo, il mio cinema secondo me” (‘Massimo, my cinema according to me’) successfully presented at the Roma Film Fest. In the same year, Verdiana became a member of the Board of APA (Audiovisual Producers Association).
In 2015 Verdiana produced the film by Giuseppe Piccioni “Questi Giorni, (‘These Days’) in competition at the 73rd Venice Film Festival, released in the Italian theaters in the Fall of 2016.
In the meantime two new acclaimed TV Series were produced “E’ arrivata la felicità” (‘Happines Has Arrived’ – Original format) with two seasons aired on Rai1 and in 2017 “Amore pensaci tu” (Adaptation of the Australian format ‘Househusband’) aired on Canale 5.
In 2019 Publispei co-produced the series “Extravergine” (‘ExtraVirgin’ – Original format) with Fox Networks Group Italy. The same year, continuing to renew itself by producing, “Io ti cercherò (‘Redemption’ – Original format), a crime TV series starring Alessandro Gassmann, sold in 20 territories.
In 2022, the docufilm “Lotta Continua” was released on Rai Play and later aired on Rai 3, freely inspired by the book “The boys who wanted to do a revolution” by Aldo Cazzullo.
On Jan 2023, the series co-produced with Rai Fiction “Fiori sopra l’inferno – I casi di Teresa Battaglia” (‘Flowers Over the Inferno – Teresa Battaglia’s Cases’) based on the best-selling novel by Ilaria Tuti, and in the same year, the Young Adult series for Rai Play “Eppure cadiamo felici” (‘Yet we fall Happy’) freely inspired by Enrico Galiano’s novel.
In 2024 the TV Movie “La Rosa dell’Istria” (‘The Rose of Istria’) aired on Rai1 to honorate the “National Memoprial Day of the Exiles and Foibe”. The same year the second season of the saga inspired by Ilaria Tuti’s books “I casi di Teresa Battaglia – Ninfa Dormiente” (‘Teresa Battaglia’s Cases – Sleeping Nymph’) aired on Rai1. Publispei is now in post-production of two docufilms: “Francesco Crispi: Fare gli italiani” (‘Francesco Crispi: Being Italian’) and “Estati senza fine” (‘Endless Summers’).
In 2025 Publispei starts the production of the 7th season of “I Cesaroni” for Mediaset and the third season of “I Casi di Teresa Battaglia – Figlia della Cenere” (‘Teresa Battaglia’s Cases – Daughter of the Ashes) for Rai.
Verdiana is a proud member of “Gruppo Tecnico Editoria, Informazione e Audiovisivo” of Unindustria and delegate member of APA (Audiovisual Producers Association) to the Italian Global Series Festival, the most important Festival of tv series in Italy.
For more info: www.publispei.it